Weight | Big Bowl: 1150 g |
SIZE | Big Bowl: 28×21×21 cm |
ID Code | HG 10 |
Copper Pedestal Candy/Nuts Bowl Dish, Eden Design (7 PCs)
689 €
For those who are interested in traditional Persian art, nothing looks attractive as a beautifully crafted and valuable dish that can be used to cater to guests. A unique product that Isfahan artists have designed and implemented in all its elegance and have given it a beautiful look.
Copper Pedestal Candy/Nuts Bowl Dish, Eden Design (7 PCs), are the best choice you may consider as a decoration or a part of your party dishes. It is a combination of Hand Engraving on cooper and painting on copper so you have both arts in one. It is one of the most favorite handicrafts for marriage or lovers gifts in our website.
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Persian Hand Engraved or Traditional Hand Engraving or Ghalamzani is the art of carving superb designs on various metals such as copper, brass, silver and gold. Isfahan is the main center for engraving. Persian Hand Engraved is perhaps the most continuous and best-documented artistic medium from Iran in the Islamic period. The artistic work of this course made by the artists is the glorious and undeniable indication of Previous metal work of Iran and Isfahan, in particular. The historical discoveries belonging to the ancient times as the Sassanide (700AD), the Seljuk – (100 AD) and the Safavid (1600 AD) dynasties indicate a few of the outstanding metal work periods.
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Searching words
In the internet, Copper Pedestal CandyNuts Bowl Dish, Eden Design (7 PCs) , persian ceramics for sale online, persian ceramics for sale to paint, persian ceramic sculpture contemporary, persian ceramic sculpture animals. Pers The Ghazals of Hafez (Bilingual Persian and English) + Illustration Mahmoud Farshchianian Ceramic Statue Persian Ceramic Statue
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