Weight | 10 g |
SIZE | 15 × 5 × 3 cm |
ID Code | MA 101 |
Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Tobacco Pipe, Europe Design
269 € 256 €
Are you on the look for a different gift for you friend?!
Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Tobacco Pipe, Europe Design is one of the best offers in this category of handcrafts. You may be the combination of Persian Marquetry products for yourself or your friends in time and it this one may be the first. You will not find something like this in ordinary stores.
This is an example of a lasting and special item for you and your friends. Try it and get the pure art!
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Persian Marquetry or Khatam Kari means “incrustation work”. Khatam kari is one of the Persian arts of marquetry wherein the surface of wooden or metallic articles is decorated with pieces of wood, bone and metal cut in a variety of shapes and designs. The Persian Marquetry consists in the production of incrustation pattern (generally star-shaped, with thin sticks of wood (ebony, teak, ziziphus, orange), brass (for golden parts), camel bones (white parts). Ivory, gold or silver can also be used for collection objects. Sticks are assembled in triangular beams, themselves assembled and glued in a strict order to create a cylinder, 70 cm in diameter, whose cross-section is the main motif: a six-branch star included in a hexagon. These cylinders are cut into shorter cylinders, and then compressed and dried between two wooden plates, before being sliced for the last time, in 1 mm wide trenches.
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In the internet, Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Tobacco Pipe, Europe Design
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