Weight | 200 g |
SIZE | 14 × 10 × 2 cm |
ID Code | MA 73 |
Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Pen Holder, Astral Design
116 €
Are you on the look for a different gift for you friend or an eye catching accessory in your work place table?! Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Pen Holder, Astral Design is one of the best offers in this category of handcrafts.
Try Persian Marquetry Khatam Kari Pen Holder, Astral Design and bring ancient art to your daily life! Or a permanent gift for your friends! Try it and get the pure art!
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Persian Marquetry or Khatam Kari refers to the art of crafting a Khatam. Common materials used in the construction of inlaid articles are gold, silver, brass, aluminum and twisted wire. The technique of Khatam can also be applied to the famous Persian miniatures, thus realizing works of art. The ornamentation of the doors of holy places predominantly consists of inlaid motifs. Samples of these can be observed in Iran. Persian Marquetry or Khatam Kari is one of the Persian arts of marquetry wherein the surface of wooden or metallic articles is decorated with pieces of wood, bone and metal cut in a variety of shapes and designs. The art of inlaid and soporific woodwork is undertaken in the workshops of the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran, as well as in private workshops.
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